Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maternity Pants & Jan OB appt

At 16 weeks, I've finally decided to take the plunge and wear maternity pants! All of my regular clothes/pants were just getting too snug and uncomfortable, so I decided to go to Motherhood at Wiregrass. It was great! You could really spend a fortune there and I don't even have a belly yet. I purchased 2 pairs of Maternity jeans and a shirt and I wore the jeans (too early for the shirt) to work on Monday. They are awesome! I'm so happy I made the switch.

On Saturday night at Church, I am pretty confident that I felt the baby move to the loud band music. It felt like little bubbles in my lowere abdomen. It was awesome! I haven't felt it since, but I'm sure there is much more to come.

My monthly OB visit was yesterday and we saw another Dr., so I suppose I'm rotating through all 4 Drs. She seemed really nice and very laid back. Good with me taking Benadryl, Tylenol and having a small glass of wine on my 30th B-day! I gained 6lbs....so I'm getting bigger, but with the holidays that would have been expected whether I am pregnant or not...lol ;D

Next month we will find out the sex of the baby as long as he or she cooperates. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Years!

We just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! We are now in the 2nd trimester!!! Yeah! I have a little bit more energy, but No More Nausea, yeah! This photo is on New Years Eve and I am 14 weeks along.