Sorry for the HUGE delay in updates...time has been really flying by as Mya has been progressing. At her last 12 month check up she weighs in at 19 lb 12 oz and is 30 1/2 " tall. She is in the 90th percentile for height & 30th for weight. She seems to be very happy and really starting to get going into toddler hood.
Mya eats pretty much everything we do, just cut up into small pieces. She takes a few steps here and there, but isn't quite walking yet. She loves playing with helium balloons and some of her new birthday toys like ride along and blocks. She loves to swim and she was just in the Gulf of Mexico for the first time this 4th of July weekend. She babbles and says Mamma, Dadda, Dog. Mya shakes her head no, claps her hands and we are trying to teach her High 5. She has 7 front teeth and a back molar coming in. It is so much fun spending time with her and playing with her. We love going for long walks in her wagon and swinging in her swing.