Thursday, August 12, 2010

1st Week Back to Work

Wow! What a week it's been. Monday, August 9th was my first day back to work at Progressive Air Systems. I'm currently working about 6 hours per day=30 per week. I cried when I dropped Mya off at Aunt Sarah's...actually back up, I started to cry the week before I dropped her off. I had so many fears and feelings of sadness leading up to that Monday morning. I have so many things to be thankful for, first of all...Sarah is a wonderful mother and she made me feel comfortable about dropping my first born off to her. I still cried, but once I got into work I felt better and being busy and feeling needed definitely helped. Bobby has been very helpful in helping me take care of her and get myself ready for work. I usually drop Mya off at Sarah's by 8:45am and Bobby goes to sleep about 8am. Currently he works the 3rd shift and comes home to check on us frequently. He is trying to stay up when he is home and take care of Mya so I can get some sleep. It's been great because I've been able to work out a couple of times in the morning before she wakes up.

Mya is 7 weeks old today. She seems to be doing very well over at Sarah's. Sarah says she is enjoying Mya and is happy to watch her. She is doing us a huge favor! Mya still eats about the same and manages to give me about 5-6 hours of sleep when she is first put down followed by shorter 3-4 hour naps. She is extremely fussy around 6-7pm, which happens to be when I am trying to get her to go down for the night. Sometimes I have to give her gripe water to calm her down and I hate doing it, but thankfully most of the time it works and she relaxes a bit. I hope that she grows out of this phase soon.

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