Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mya's Birth Story-pretty detailed

I had my 2nd Dr. appt that morning because the dr was monitoring my high blood pressure. I had officially taken my maternity leave from work, so it was Wed. June 23rd and my dr. said we would look at inducing if Mya had decided not to come by her due date (mostly she was concerned about my blood pressure.). I decided to have lunch when I got home and then take a nap. Well by the end of my nap, I felt an urge to pee....well it wasn't water broke between 2:30-3pm. I laid in bed contemplating if it was water or pee....I didn't want to be one of those crazy women who went in because I peed my pants. Once I decided that I wasn't sure if it was my water, I went over to Bobby who was in our office and let him know. He got excited and urged me to call the dr., so I called my OB and they had me go to the hospital to verify. By this time, I was pretty confident it was my water since it kept coming out when I moved around. We took our time getting to the hospital since I wasn't in any pain. Once we got there, they checked with a strip that turned blue and confirmed it was my water that broke. I was now admitted and not leaving the hospital without a baby.

Once admitted into my room, the nurse blew 2 of my veins trying to get the IV in. Most of you know that I'm a baby when it comes to needles, so I was very unhappy about this. Since it was shift change my new nurse, Michelle took a look at my arms and decided to have another RN, Allison put in the IV. She was a life savor, since she only blew one vein and got it in on the 2nd try. She was amazing since she numbed me up first and was very reassuring.

My mom arrived during the IV process and my brother and his wife arrived soon after. They kept me company as my contractions got more severe. Each took turns massaging my back, since I felt most of the pain in my lower back and in my lower abdomin. I tried walking around a bit to help labor progress, but by 8:30pm I had had enough. I was dilated to over a 4 and requested my epidural. My midwife wanted to check me first thought, so I had to wait for her to arrive. She didn't get there until 10pm and I must say I was pretty upset. Labor hurts like hell!

Once the "candy man" came and administered my epidural things got so much better. Bobby was wonderful while he was putting it in, but he got a little woozy and had to sit down. He probably shouldn't have looked at the needle....Thankfully the nurse realized that Bobby was turning white and had him sit down with his head between his knees. Bobby was fine once he had some food in him and I was a much happier person once I couldn't feel the contractions.

My family left around 10:30pm so we could get some sleep before active labor. Bobby and I napped until maybe 1-1:30am and then about 6 nurses came in abruptly. Talking to each other, moving me around, I had oxygen on and was starting to panic. Michelle, my nurse was on the phone with my mid wife discussing the situation. The baby's heart beat was very low and hard to find. The nurses were working fast and then started to prep me for an Emergency C. Bobby was up and by my side, but we really didn't know what was going on, things were happening way too fast. My nurse was on the phone waking up my attending physician, Dr. Marks to come in for the C Section. Before I knew it they were rolling me into the OR, my mid wife was there being prepped and Bobby was sent off with someone to prep for surgery as well. Dr. Marks joined us and by then they had pumped me full of anesthesia. Mya's heart rate returned to normal, but it was too late...I became completely numb. Dr. Marks was kind enough to give me a chance to push. I was just about completely dilated and had regular contractions, unfortunately I couldn't feel anything. I decided that I wanted to try and they gave me an hour to hopefully become less numb. We pushed a few times, but Mya didn't like it and her heart rate began to drop, which led to the inevitable.

Thankfully they administered more anesthesia and I was given the C-section. It was scary and I felt a lot of tugging and pulling. At one time I felt a little nauseous, but that was when they were stitching me back up. Mya was born on June 24th at 3:04 am weighing 6.5lbs and was 19.5 inches long. She is very healthy! Bobby & I both were very surprised that we had to have a C section. Everything before 1:30am was progressing nicely. I had such a wonderful pregnancy, a natural labor with good contractions, but still ended up with a section. Bobby and I feel so blessed and although it did not happen as we had wanted, it worked out in the end. When they say expect the really means expect the unexpected. I am feeling pretty good and I commend the staff and my doctors who helped in our delivery at Mease Countryside. It is amazing how much love you feel so quickly. My friend Kat said, it's amazing how you come into the hospital a couple but you leave as a family....this is so true and a reason to go on living. I feel so blessed.

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